Friday 18 March 2011

Beauty - Child of the East

within the cave of longing
she bore silence

a silent knawing jewel
polished pearl
glimmering as pure daylight

she ran from one side of the cave 
to the other
in awe of its beauty
desperate to shine the light out
unto the untethered strings

the wind whips around her bare ankles
pale, bony skin
just visible within 

shakily she raises her hand to feel the contours
she is neither live nor dead
she is asleep

Who will hear a half lings shriek
as faint as a whisper
lost on the wind 

At once an eagle soars and sweeps
alongside her heart he stoops
gently pulls the chords
and spins
out her dreams

into the sky

fear has rendered her mute
fear has been a silent witness of love
yet now her voice is carried
and she has no choice
but to follow her thread
into the sunlit world

oh beauty
thy amorous cheeks
shall fall upon 
the world

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